Saturday, March 29, 2014

True Gift Culture - ReFashion Rising

water color renditions of garment upcycles

True Gift Culture is now the umbrella name for the ReFashion Hub. This enterprise is now in gestation but birth is imminent.

(Seeking interested everyones. This is way beyond the clothes and will butt heads with multiple false beliefs and the systems built in their honor. Artists, students, poets, writers, crafters, healers, organizers, promoters, it takes a village to raise a child or fly a phoenix)

This morning, Charlie Rose had a segment about the gift economy. This was good to see as PBS is mainstreamish now, with Nova  produced by David Koch and the NewsHour with it’s  iffy sponsors. (The noise in the background is justification, it is everywhere, ignore it)

A few years ago, I wrote about the essay, Money and the Divine Masculine after seeing Charles Eisenstein’s video from his book, Sacred Economies. I was inspired and heartened. After all the bad news about banking cartels and the economic Gigantor complex, this voice from the wild web was a perfect gift, right in time. (Uni-verse appears to like a good game of faith and woes) 

So YES!  we shall overcome all the fear based, psychologically wounding and ecosystems damaging thinking that is pushing the world madly towards a precipice it won’t recognize for what it really is; a systemic failure.  The ignorance of false beliefs at the core cannot be bandaged by intelligent dressings on the surface. Eventually the disease is onerous and gets enough attention that we “see” it. That time is now…and now  and now.

And no sweetie, this isn’t an opportunity for more control, domination, more symptom cures or more faulty sustainability programs. No m’dear-that rumble in the streets is a wake up scream and people are responding.  We are human beings and we can do better and we will. Let us all help each other and we will all heal from the insanity we inherited.  Our childhood tapes need to be faced, which will help us understand why we got here and how to proceed. We know this stuff! We just put most of our attentions elsewhere.

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